Just wanted to add my two cents and say that I think you're a sweetie, Frannie!! I am all for offering hope to people, no matter what their situation is. We are all grown-ups, we can take advice or not... Why keep something potentially good to yourself??
SMOOCH!! I love people with a big heart!
((((((((((GGG)))))))))) Takes one to know one, chere!
Say what you mean..And..Mean what you say..Nothing else matters..You are loved here... OUTLAW
Awwwww.....I lurv ya more 'n my luggage, ((((((OUTLAW!))))))
Just to clear up any confusion: you officially rock, roll, kick ass, and rule. Moreover, you are awesome, neat, funny, and cool. Anyone who thinks you suck, needs to spend some time in school. They sound like a fool. Probably drool. May have even shown up in my stool. How could anyone knock someone like you? Just like Mr. T, I pity that ignorant foo'. But what can you do? They're not a fly you can shoo. They're simply a shrew, who likes to screw with someone who's true. No reason to be blue.
((((((Abandoned)))))) Does that come with music?!! LOL!
Your self worth never did depend on anyone else's opinion of you, but then you already knew that. Helps to blow off the stink doesn't it girl!
(((((((((((Kate))))))))) You betchya! (on both points!)
you are one of my favorite posters... you actually have a sense of humor!! And can recognize a little sarcasm when it comes your way. I'd tell who ever it is to take a flying leap and then let Simon know what's been going on, no one has a right to verbally abuse you! Some days you and Outlaw are all I need to get me going.. you both crack me up.
Whew! Fannin' myself here to keep back the ((((Misty)))) You are such a sweetheart, chere! I'm trying to handle this (whether with skill or not) myself without relying on the mods. Sometimes a person just has to stand up for themselves.
Frannie (of the "however I DID tell 'em to take a flyin'____" class)